I Have to Attend a Meeting with My Employer...What Should I Do?
1. Generally, if your employer wants to meet with you, you don't have a choice. If you refuse to meet, the employer might terminate you for your lack of cooperation. Similarly, unless you're in a union, you generally don't have the right to bring someone with you, but you can request the employer's permission to do so. If you belong to a union, you should make sure the union knows about the meeting.
2. Take notes so you have an accurate record of what happens. Do not try to make a secret recording of the meeting - you might be violating Massachusetts law.
3. Be respectful and reasonable. Do not give your employer an excuse to discipline or terminate you for your conduct at the meeting.
4. If possible, ask for more time before accepting or rejecting anything that is proposed at the meeting. You should have time to think about what is proposed and what your response should be. If necessary, asking for time will also give you an opportunity to speak to an attorney.
Fair Employment Project, Inc. | 777 Concord Avenue, Suite 302 | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.902.0192 | info@fairemploymentproject.org