Fair Employment Project is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization of attorneys, law students and worker advocates whose mission is to reduce violations of employment civil rights. We have served nearly 12,000 Massachusetts workers of limited means since we started in 2007. We do this with no taxpayer money. Help us continue this work.DONATE NOW
FEP counsels Massachusetts workers of limited means about their rights on the job and the legal process.
We take a problem-solving approach to meeting clients’ needs. Workplace law can be complicated, and there is a difference between how the law is supposed to work and the real-life choices people face when their paychecks and livelihoods are at stake. We help people understand the legal landscape so they can make better-informed decisions.
If you need help: Contact us at 617-902-0192 or info@fairemploymentproject.org.
Please do not communicate with us using your employer's computer or other devices, or through your employer's email or servers. Do not communicate with us while you are at work. Do not send attachments or forwarded messages without first talking with us.
There is no charge for a telephone consultation or email, but we do ask that you make a donation.
The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. You should make every effort to consult with an experienced employment attorney. The law and procedure governing employment claims change on a regular basis, and each case has its own special circumstances. Sending us an email message or other inquiry does not make you a client of Fair Employment Project.